In Edited Books
- Jain, A.K. and Madan, A.O. (2022). The Meaning of Distributed Leadership Practices in Indian Organizations: Role of trust in Employer and Fulfillment of Psychological Contract (pages, 173-188). Published in book “Understanding Psychology in the Context of Relationship, Community, Workplace and Culture”, Edited by Surendra Kumar Sia, Lauren S. Crane, Ajay K Jain and Shabana Bano; Springer
- Ajay K. Jain (May 11th 2021). The Science and Philosophy of Emotional Intelligence: A Pragmatic Perspective [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.97837. Available from:; Paper published in the Book “The Science of Emotional Intelligence: Edited by Simon George Taukeni
- Jain, N. & Jain, A.K. (2021). Executive Education and Career Advancement: Sustainable Employment. India Higher Education Report 2020 on Employment and Employability of Higher Education Graduates in India, Edited by Mona Khare & N.V. Varghese, Center of Policy Research in Higher Education, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, published by Taylor and Francis Group;
- Jain, A.K. (2021). Motivation to Engage in Distributed Leadership: An Agenda for Future Research. In Emerging Trends in Global Organizational Science Phenomena: Critical Roles of Politics, Leadership, Stress, and Context, Edited by G.R. Ferris, P.L. Perrewe and Adebowale Akande, NOVA Science Publishers Inc. USA.
- Jain, A.K. (2020). A model of leading self in VUCA Business environment; in the book edited by Ebben Van Zyl, Andrew Campbell and Liezel Lues (2020), Chaos is Gift; KR Publishing, Randberg, Republic of South Africa
- Madan, A.O. & Jain, A.K. (2018). Career Challenge and Kaleidoscope career in India. (pp. 77-102) in Seeking Challenge in the Career, Edited by Sherry Sullivan and Gayle Baugh. Information Age Publishing.
- Jain, A.K., Srivastava, S. & Cubico, S. (2018). “Women Entrepreneurship in India. Work-Life Balance Approach” in Entrepreneurship along the Industry Life Cycle: The changing role of Entrepreneurial Activities and Knowledge Competencies”; edited by S. Cubico, G. Favretto, J. Leitão, and U. Cantner. Springer
- Jain, (2014). Corruption, in Oliver Laasch and Roger N. Conaway´s (Eds) “Principle of Responsible Management: Global sustainability, responsibility and ethics, United Nations PRME graduate textbook
- Jain, A.K. (2012).Profile of an ideal organizational citizen: Organizational citizenship behavior, In-role behavior, Managerial skills and Emotional intelligence pp 81-96. In R. K.Pradhan & Nutankumar S. Thingujam´s Emotional Intelligence: Optimizing Human Performance at Work, LAP Lambart publisher, Germany.
- Jain, A.K. (2011). The impact of emotional intelligence on self-rated performance and self-efficacy perception, In Janak Pandey, T.N. Sinha and Arvind K. Sinha’s (Eds) Dialogue for Development, Concept Publications, New Delhi, 167-180.
- Jain, A.K. & Saini, D. (2010). Human Resource Outsourcing and Shared Services: An Asian-Pacific Perspective. In Julia Connell’ and Stephen Teo (Eds) Strategic HRM: Contemporary Issues in the Asia Pacific Region. Tilde University Press
- Singh, P., Jain, A.K., Bhandarkar, A. (2009). In search of a leader: Follower’s Quest. In P. Singh & S. Verma (Eds) Organizing and Managing in the Era of Globalization. Sage (Response Book) New Delhi.
- Giga, S.I., Jain, A.K., Cooper, C.L. (2009). Working longer: hours of work and health. In Cary L. Cooper, Usha Goswami, Barbara J. Sahakian (Eds). Mental capital and Well Being. November 2009, Wiley-Blackwell, UK
- Jain, A.K. (2007). Comparing the Impact of emotional intelligence on self-management and impression management behavior. In R.K. Pradhan & P. Mathur (Eds.) Emotional Intelligence: Perspectives in Organizations. Academic Excellence, Delhi
- Singh, P., Jain, A.K., Bhandarkar, A. (2006). Meaning of work in corporate India: Preliminary findings. In P. Singh, J. Bhatnagar, & A. Bhandarkar’s (Eds) Future of Work: Mastering Change. Excel Book